Dvr File Codec

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Nick, I would like to have the copy of the program too. thanks in advancenir.nateev

.DVR is a file format from a standalone CCTV digital video recorder. I have client software that will play this type and also convert to. AVI

Not 100 if it will play all source. DVR files, but if you need the software send me an email and I ll send the software.

Can you please send the software.

Can you please send me a copy too. I would appreciate. Thank you.

Nick, plz, plz HELP. I have been looking everywhere for a conversion programme for. dvr.

please, please, please send it to me.

After looking everywhere on the entire world wide web and finding just this forum

Where Nick claimed to have a converter for. dvr files I decided that it couldn t wait and I wrote to you all, if you had heard from Nich and if he has sent you the converter. After receiving all of your negative emails I decided to sit down and solve this stupid problem once and for all.

It s actually pretty easy when you know how.

Ok guys and girls, this is how you do it.

1. Download SUPER from here, it is freeware and bloody good.

2. Download All-in-one Codecs pack from here, it is also freeware.

3. Install all codecs and SUPER

With my Video card Philip chipsatz SAA7130 I can compress to H2.64 and MPEG4

All your cards for surveillance will probably do that to giving you a. dvr file. That was our problem until now.

4. change you file ending from. dvr to. avi

6. Just above the Encode button is an empty field. Click here with right mouse button and go to the top of the selection and select Add multimedia file s

7. At the top of the screen I selected output container as AVI and output video codec as MPEG4.

9. Video scale size no change activated

10. frames per second 25 because I am in Germany, you will probably take 30fps

11. bit rate kpps 1680, you can go higher or lower, this worked for me

12. Audio I disabled because I didn t need this. You can experiment yourselves.

13. Stream copy I left alone didn t activate this.

14. Right click on the interface and select output file saving management, then at the bottom of the screen select where you want the output files to go.

15. Click Encode and you are done.

Hope this helps you all, certainly helped me.

Hey guys and girls. If any of you have a few surveillance cameras lying around, then I could really do with a few.

Why am I using this surveillance video card.

With this card I can record 4 cameras at the same time. I am currently making a cooking series here in Germany for yuotube and with these 4 cameras, I will be able to do a multi-camera shot and the 4 files can be loaded into Avid Liquid and live multi-camera works. I can then perform a live edit with these files. The problem was before I couldn t edit the stupid. dvr files. Now, not a problem anymore.

We are starting from basics and are hoping with the help from others to get better in quality and become more professional.

I you are interested you can look at our really badic website, sadly everything is in German but maybe soon English as well.

Or in youtube type clapchap in the search.

At the moment we only have one bad camera and next week we will up the 3 bad camera multi-cam which we did on the surveillance card and can now edit this material.

Have fun and please let me know how you are all getting on with your converting.

Nick, I would like to have the copy of the program too. thanks in advance tom.salzmann

Could you also send the program to me.

Nick, I would like to have the copy of the program too. thanks in advance

Can you sent me the software to run the. DVR file.

My email is vannarymeng

Nick, I would like to have the copy of the program too. thanks in advance.acedabbous

Nick, I would sincerely love a copy of this programThanks a bunch. nateiancarpenter

Nic, May I have a copy of the software.

Nick if i could have a coppy that would be great

If you could send me a copy that would be really great.

Hi Nick, Could you please send me a copy of the program as well - thanks.david.obrien

hi i need the program as well. need it urgently. need to view and convert some video and give to police for action. hq_liew

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hey guy,, i have the same problem but the dvr recorded in a format. dav and i have no way of playing it on any other software or convert it,, will this software help or i need something else for this type of. dav. i would really apprecitae it if someone could help

tjasonk, please send me the program, thanks

I would like to have the copy of the program too.

send me a copy for deh_ plz.

Can you email me the program. Or tell me the name of the program. pete

NICK i need your. dvr converter.. can u send me the program to my email. thansk alot in advance.. manix_em

Trying to clean up back up files located in a quarantine folder, Python program, and suggestions.

Nick can u send me a copy of your. dvr converter. pls i badly need it. manix_em

Hi Nick, Could you send me the software please, I ve been looking everywhere with no luck.

Hi Nick could you send me a copy of the programa to run the. dvr files.

Im from Mexico, I do need this program, please.

Hi nick please may you send me the file to. genevabar

What is the name of the software and where did you get it from. i m having big troubles trying to find any relevant info on these file types. I usually resort to videoing the screen with my phone and using that video file. Maybe a decent screen capturing software would help.

Hey Nick, I would like to have the copy of the program too. thanks a lot - flying_titi

hi Nick, i need this program too, can you send me a copy of this program thanx flying_titi

Hey. Have you got time to send me the software also please.. Thankyou in advance - you seem to be the only person online who is in the know.

Nick, I would like to have the copy of the program too. Thanks in advancerozi4ka80

Could I please get a copy of the program.

I would like a copy. welliott

Please send me to copy this software.

Nick, I would like to have the copy of the program too. thanks in advance. improborum

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Nick, I would like to have the copy of the program too. thanks

i think nick has left the building

Has anyone actually received anything from Nick.

CamStudio will record any DVR format and convert it to AVI.

As each dvr format is proprietary, each is different, CamStudio records whats on the screen and converts it to AVI. It works and there is almost no loss of quality. So has anyone heard from Nick.

Have any of you useless children even tried vlc player VideoLan - freeware to view these. dvr files.

Don t ask me to send you a copy.

Instead, ask your mommys to type it into Google for you.

can you please send me the program thankyou martino

im in need of that progrem too, thanks

If you still need a program email me on

If you still need this program email me

Hey nick. i need this program too, can u send me.

my email is iwannascreamm

I need a codec to play a movie recorded from dvr on my laptop, please

Nick, I would like to have the copy of the program too. thanks in advance. ,,,

Nick, I would like to have the copy of the program too. thanks in advance.

please send me the software to plat dvr files thanks

desperate need for the software

Hi, Nick, could you send me a copy too.

I also would like a copy of that program.

.dav files are virtually unknown over the net.

Nick could you send me a copy of the converter tool please, trying to use video from a CCTV system but can t. Thanks in advance :D berilium16

Hi Nick,may i plz have the program aswell, thanks alot

I know you are being bombarded with requests..and I would like to be added to the list. LOL. PLEASE send me a copy. I am in need of the ability to convert these files for my clients to use.

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Can someone send me the codec for. dvr files.

I would like to be added to the list. PLEASE send me a copy.

Hi mancan you send me please that player.

could you be kind enough to email me the codec for. dvr files please. I need it urgently.

Anyone have a copy of that converter. Send me one perty plz. trinity5214

thank-you. I ve caught someone trying to break in and need to convert the file for the police

Please sent the program as I need it too.

Could you please send me a copy of your program, also. Thanks. jcapps

Ohhh I see, this is an add for so people will DL there crapware and then have to pay to find out if it actually works. ahhhhh IC

I would appreciate if you would send me a copy, also.


Nick i would like to have a copy of the program too. thanks

I would also need the DVR file converter, if any one has it please send it to skumar063

Nick - is this program still available.

I am working with an UltraCCTV Security DVR that outputs the. DVR format. Please send me a copy of the software you mentioned that will read these. dvr video files. I really wish I could convert them to MPEG4 or. AVI, etc.

Cant you guys read. he posted the direct websites. if you cant atleast take some brain power to use and download it your self you guys dont deserve any help at all, thanks for the help nick. have a good one

NickI would like that program as well to convert. dvr formatthanks again filesx

Please send me a copy of the program. Thanks in advance.

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Hi could you send me a copy of that conversion software.

Hi, Could you please please please send me a copy of that software on dulche_et_decorum

Could anyone there send me the DVR file converter too. Many thanks. kwongseng

Hi Nick Could you send me the software please, ty

nick, please mail me dav player name or program

hey nick could u send me the software to playback. dvr files please..thankyou

link or info would be very much appricitated for urgent conversion of dvr file.

masive thnks to anyone who can help

I need this as well. Can Nick/anyone please email it to me at dave AT gator DOT net.

Let me clarify, VLC player as suggested in this thread twice will NOT work because these. dvr files are some special format. They come from a DVR recorder. I think it s a proprietary recording format and thus you need a special program that will decode and convert this. Also I don t think all. dvr files are created equal as there may be some differences.

Nick, I would like to have the copy of the program too. thanks in advancepirate00018

NickP, I would like a copy of the program too

hi i know its too late but can i also get a copy Nickthanks

Please send me conversion program.

Hi can Nick/anyone please send me this software. i need it to convert CCTV footage. Thanks in advance.

Hi Nick could i get a copy of your software please,

Hi Nick, could i ask again for your software but this time i ll add my e-mail address properly, robinmrtn7, thanks

i doubt my chances now but if nick/anyone could please email me this conversion program it would be greatly appreciated.


plz send me to copy this software

Please send me a copy to: yogibaer1956

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If someone got that converter, is it possible to send me a copy. khogounet DOT hotmail DOT com

When you get the chance could you send me a copy as well

Found a program that works for me for my. dvr files

I would love a copy of software to make. dvr files playable in a preinstalled Windows xp player or a converter. We gave one to the police and they cannot play it to look at a break-in suspect.

Nick: Please send me the program too.

hey can you send me the softwareplss

I m looking for a program to DVR in AVI or other format to convert.

Tilos at


Hi i would like to have the copy that converts also Please:

e-mail: Alchemist_hao94

Please send the software to gwhenderson

Nick, I would like to have the copy of the program too. Many thanks in advance. pupae_99

Hi. Thank you for your good help. I need the program. masoodg

Hi. Could not get this work.Followed instructions above but kept getting an error.

nick, can you send me a copy of that program too. thanks. I ve been searchin everywhere.

I did. and it didn t work. Maybe I should ask your mom. Only if she knew your father tho don t post such a patronising and insulting answer in future

If you read the full instructions from eagleeyez you will not ask the questions where to get the software

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Nick, i would appreciate if you would send me a copy.

can you please send me a copy of the software to thanks

I have a converter.. either email me the file u wanna convert and I ll do it or I direct u to a site to download it..

Can I try that Software Thank You

please send this softwear to this mail too

At last someone knows lol hey Nick I would like a copy too please send it to fallenangel

I know this is an old message but can i get the player also npdtaru

dvr cannot playback or view recorded info stored on the hard drive

Please send me a copy of the software to jimbo.allen

please forward me the dvr software Nick

I am looking to play, what should be a cctv video file, in a. box or. bix file extension/format.

I will br appreciate if you send me a copy of dvr player to me. thanks

to: meka9233 or

I did whatcha said downloaded codecs and program and renamed the dvr file like you said but when I right-clicked or tried the browse button it returns an error message saying it s an unsupported format.

Can I have what everybody else is wanting too.

My email is kennyhendrick

Peace and MORE power to the people er, um, that s ALL the peoplenot those few profiteering manipulative lying sacks of capitalistic crap we have ruling us whew, glad I got that off my chest.

Hola Nick, tengo unos archivos. Dav y quisiera convertirlos a un formato que se pueda reproducir, lo intente una vez por esta pagina y lo logre pero solo una vez, me gustaria que me pudiera enviar el programa, se lo agradeceria.osalbero

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Hello Nick, I have some files. Dav and I would convert to a format that can be played, once try this page and achieved but only once, I d like could send the program, I would appreciate that. osalbero

Hi Nick. Please can you send me the program.

could you please send me a copy of. dvr

file converter. would be greatly appreciated.

nick, i would like a copy of the software. Have video survalliance that I need to turn over to the local PD, but they can t view. dvr files


Can you send me a copy too. marc.butler

Can you send me conversion program too thanks.

I have found an easy way to convert. DVR files. Use a programme called VIDEOREDO. Open video show all files in folder, select and save as mpeg.

Nick, I would like to have the copy of the program too. thanks in advance.tobias.beck1

please if that software available send me please a copy to fillcinefil

I would appreciate if you would send me a copy. Thanks in advance.

Nick, apparently you are the man. Just like everyone else that has requested it, I would be grateful for a copy of this infamous conversion tool as well. Thanks.

Did any of you guys actually receive anything useful from Nick or anyone else.

Because I don t see the point in adding requests here when nobody bothers to confirm whether Nick gives a sh t about this thread.

But hey, don t let me stop you. Just keep feeding Spammers Without Borders.

For those of you looking for a DVR decoder to convert your DVB recordings to. ts files, here s what I m using and it s free.

I have the same problem. Nick, I would like to have the copy of the program too. tks in advance silvio

Nick, I would like to have the copy of the program too. thanks in advance. azam1964

AVS Video Converter does the hard work on this file type.

It can convert it in many file formats.

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can u send me a copy of the software mail id fox.andy1

Hi I d appreciate it if you could send me the player that plays. dvr extensions. thanks.

I would also like to have a copy please. eros_lovely

For those of you looking for a dvr player the one that cordate gives the url for works.. I just had to download bitzipper to use it.

I would appreciate if you would send me a copy, too.

I would appreciate if you would send me a copy please. Thank you.

I have the software to convert the. dav video file into. avi. Contact me for more info: x

Could someone send too me a copy of this program please.

Movie codec needed to play . DVR on PC

All formats Converter not full

x-media toolkit ultimate programs. Convert to PSP avi mpeg mpeg2 mpg ps3 ipod wmv etc

could I please get a copy of the. dvr sotware too. alan Thanks. AlanNickP wrote:

hi Nick, i need this program too, can you send me a copy of this program

From italy. I have need your program for convert files dvr.

Please send me this program. Thank you very much.

Hi nick i could use your program to please buddy.

I ve 2. dvr files I need for a court case. I think they may be corrupt because I can t open them with few programs that should support this file extension.

Nick if you still visit this forum could you send the program link to kimmon77 at

would you send me a copy my email : cratcrot

I was wondering if you could send this program to me as well as I am badly stuck.

Hello Nick, can you send me conversion program. eurialo83

contact me on windows messenger to send faster thanks.

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I need that program too so send please,iperic14

I Use Ts-Docter And It can Read It and Merge With

But Have Many Lag And The Video Was Without Audio.

we are Ailipu Technology Co.,Ltd in China which is a professional security

and surveillance products producer and export company.The products contain

wired Security CCTV camera, Security Network IP camera, wireless Security

system camera, DVR card recorder,standalone DVR recorder, Mobile DVR

recorder, CCTV camera lens, etc. with good quality and low price.

Please contact us to know details.

Address:Room 1416,Building NanGuangjiejia,No.3037,ShenNan Road

Center,ShenZhen 518028,P.R.China

E-mail: sylvia.zhang009 or sylvia.zhang009

MSN ID: sylvia.zhang009

TRADEMANAGER ID: sylvia.zhang009

contact person :Ms. sylvia zhang

I was wondering if you d mind sending a copy of that file

hithank you for all your informationcould you send me a copy of the sotfware to my email please christianberrios thank you

Send me the Programm, I need it, please.

E-mail: Ivan_silva92

I would love a copy of this software also.

My email: wildwildbill2000

I would appreciate also if you would send me a copy of the software so I can read my. dvr files.

Nick, I need your help too. thanks.

Nick, I would like to have the copy of the program too. thanks matt34452

Hey it will be great if you guys could send me a copy of the converter as well. . To

If there s really a nick, why didn t he posted a link or at least the name of the program he claims he use. That s all sh t.

I also have a bunch of dvr files and nothing works. I can only view them in my TV, not PC. Damnit.. I ll just find another way to record from TV rather than bothering with dvr files

me 2 wanna have acopy file_folder

If you are still around would love a copy of the software,

send to roge.pockley thanks

Are any of the gazzillion people that are posting requests receiving the software/codecs required to view the. dvr files. I need it too.

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plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz send it to me

Hi NickP, can you send me a copy of the software at cmarichards

can u email me the program plzz

I have a new recorder that save file with these format:

I dont know what are these and how can I play it.

send to papaioannoua thanks

To all: Nick posted both links in his first instruction. Just download it from there and thats it.

aq. bukadar sayfada link yok. alın indirin.

Nick. Please send it to me too. Thanks

please send me the software to view. dvr format file. My email is sood.varun82

i really need the. dvr file conversion program too. Any chance you can send me a donwload link to andrechapman

Hi Nick, Could you please send me a copy of the program as well - thanks.tottichien_10 or tottichien_10

For me MelodyCan is the best software for different players. It can remove drm and convert files to different formats. You can try it_

thank you very much Mr. - Onur -

Nick Can you send me the software also cflaherty

sghfkxfvoilsmkfgjs,vcm,sp lln ifjgmkjgkdc

Necesito ese programa tambiengracias

Thank you very much, would be better in English but easy to you.. Now I can do them shoplifters..

how to convert play . dvr files

3.unzip and run pvastrumento.exe make pva select your file and clik start can play and convert . pva files with vlc

Page 13 of 18 first prev 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 next last make ps select your file and clik start can play and convert . mpg files with vlc demux select your file and clik start can play and convert . mpa and . mpv files with vlc

Our company manufacture 4/8/16ch realtime H.264 standalone DVR. Recently, we released two models DVR,that is,DVR8114hv 4ch and DVR8118hv 8ch. The prices are respectively USD54.9 and USD72.9.You can live,record,playback and backup the videos.Moreover,you can monitor the DVRs in remote places through the network or 3G mobil phone.

Any interest or doubts, please feel free to contact me.

Best wishes to you and your family

address:1518, Yuan Zheng industrial park,Wu He road,Ban Tian town,Long Gang district,Shen Zhen,China

Is this thread still alive, I wouldn t mind a copy of the program as well.

I wish to send to the program and you islands of thanks and appreciation

Can you send me the software to run the. DVR file.

My email is alakhrash21

CLOVER security systems makes a player that will also convert your DVR files into AVI format. Good luck.John Brooks wrote:

I have a new Digital video recorder, it runs in Lynx OS it has a ActiveX viewer and records digital video in a . DVR format. I would like to edit and copy these dvr files.

I am lookng for a codec I can use to convert the recordings to MPEG or MOV or play it in something other than the ActiveX player. or what codex does it use. Any suggestions. .

Copy of a sample video 6Meg at this location

I came to a solution to this upsetting problem. Although being rather complicated, it is a REAL one. Here you are:

1-Download PVAStrumento.exe and set it up.

This procedure will separate Vedio from Audio

the result will be TWO files: Vedio and Audio

The extenion of the vedio will be MPV


That of the audio will be MPA you don t have to convert it

5-import both of them to the Movie maker of your windows version.

7-Compine them again using Movie maker

please send the conversion program here

would you please send me a copy of this program.

I need it to see and give my. DVR format files to police.

Would you please send me a copy of this program.

could you please send me the program.

Nick, please send me a copy too.

hey nick could u your help too

Nick I would also be grateful for a copy of the file

Can you please send me a copy. Thanks.

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Nick please send me software for playing dvr file. Thanks a lot.

I would like the program too if possible.

Can i get a copy as well but the format is. drv from a CCTV camera will your converter work.

me too please. thanks in advance :-

hey i need this converter also

can you send it to farrellwarren

can you send me a copy of the converter to cyj.ibg

your help is highly appreciated.

Can you send me a copy of the converter to kerang9

Hi There could you send me the dvr player software please.

i need the software plz nick so police can view the man who stole my wallet and then my identity pl send to eggplant_69

Hi friend, please send me the software to henriquede

I am using Windows 7 Starter 32 Bit and my windows is activated. Since i have installed Microsoft Windows 7 Upgrade Key i have never enabled Windows Updates as i am unsure that it may deactivate my Windows 7 32bit Key or may hamper working of my non genuine Windows 7 Home Basic. So i want to know if it will be safe to enable Windows 7 Enterprise 32 Bit updates.

plz send me a copy software to run DVR at omermak

plz send me that software too, my email id preeth_rim

plz send me that software, i want to play dvr files

my email id -- preeth_rim

can u email me the program please.

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Can you please send me the software for this.

Can you please send me the software as well

nicholasraad83 at gmail dot com

cud u pls send me the software as well..

looking to convert. drv file. Thanks. txreap

please send me the dvr files player thanks rinaldo.bonfanti

yes please send me the software. my email is eliasombedho

pleeese send me this software bosshet

I would like to have a copy, please, hope this is still valid

i want tht too, ,to watch the fucking dvr files.

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please send it to ahmad_eagle2002

I would like to send me a copy for the program my E-Mail is

thanks for your cooprative in advance.

please send it to jasonmckaig

hi nike please sent it to karaj_mep

Can you sent me a. dvr file player please..

Can you please me the copy tooo please. crystal2904

I would like to get the progam that plays the. dvr files

I could use this software please.

Please send software that will play. dvr and convert to avi. Thanks in advance.

Nick, hi. If it s not difficult for you, please, send me software for DVR format file.

Could you send to larryd

Hi.we are maufacture for below items:

1.Photoelectric beam detector.

More question,contact at rick

Can you please send it to me as well.

If it is possible please send me a copy.

Don t be an ass, just a post a link to it or share it somewhere, douche.

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i have an dvr-8114hv..i record events and guests participating in events on my systemmy problem is that i purchased this thinking i would be able to take portions of my recordings that are saved on my system and download to a usb and that they would be converted into a format that could be uploaded and viewable on you tube..or windows media player.this is not possiblei spent 4 days on the phone with tech support and if i upgrade then a new system can offer thisi have not had my system for more than 5 monthsare you explaining that you have a program that offers this for this system. fileooooooooooooood

Gostaria de receber o codec para arquivos dvr

I would like to receive the codec files to dvr

codec for. dvr file format need

Cut you give mee the program for playing DVR-file format.

SiraView software will play. dvr files. A trial version of the software is available that will play the file but will not allow you to convert it. It is also time limited.. dvr files use the Bosch Divar codec and I imagine, due to commercial restrictions, there is not a universal player out there.

pls send me too nick.. waltrhime27

I would like to have the copy of the program too. jontyvimal

please could you send the DVR player to me dsamplz

there is no software can play this type of file iam sure

Nick, I would like to have the copy of the program too. thanks in advanceenricorossi9

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Plz send me conversion program.

Please send me also the file, so i can play dvr files.

Please send me a copy too to convert the DVR images to my pc.

Por favor de Spain, me podrias en viar el software si eres tan amable, mi e-meil es:

Hi Nick, if you re still in the business I would be delighted to have a copy. a.mandermoerkerke

Nick, I would like to have the copy of the program too. Thanks

This page explains how to convert files. DVR to. AVI

Hi Nick, please could I get a copy of the program. Thanks, astcovltd

Would you please mail me. dvr video file player software.

I would remain grateful to you for your kind help.

I would remain grateful to you for your kind help.. My email is:

Can you send me file to convert. Thanks

I am looking for a. box player or codec if you have it.

my email is jdozier

I would like to have a copy of this program. john.parrish

Page 18 of 18 first prev 15 16 17 18 TopicYour replyVerify you re human.

Codec for .dvr file format

DVR-MS Microsoft Digital Video Recording is a proprietary video and audio file container format, developed by Microsoft used for storing TV content recorded by.

I was wondering if anyone was able to figure out how to open. dvr extension format or files. I m trying to help a friend open this file that he got from a CCTV.

Converting the H.264 Video File from the DVR for Use by External Systems The video on your video security DVR is probably saved in the h.264 format.

dvr file codec

DVR Converter - Convert DVR to AVI, MPEG, MP4, DVR or DVR-MS Microsoft Digital Video Recording, a proprietary video and audio file container format.

Oct 27, 2012  Files created by the Stream Buffer Engine SBE are stored with the . dvr-ms file extension. When the SBE is being controlled from the Video Control, the.

NickP wrote.DVR is a file format from a standalone CCTV digital video recorder. I have client software that will play this type and also convert to. AVI.

Also known as the DVR-MS file format, these DVR files store recorded television content. The DVR files are created by Digital Video Recording Devices.

A DVR file is a Microsoft Recorded TV Show, developed by Microsoft. Learn what Windows programs open. DVR files.